Soap roses

Soap rose petals - soap roses - AMTII wholesaler


Soap roses are delicate soap petals formed by hand into the shape of a rose. They are extremely versatile, as they do not require special storage conditions in addition, soap flowers retain their aesthetic qualities for 2-3 years while looking extremely natural. Each soap flower comes in a rich palette of colors, and their perfumed fragrance will fill the room. In floral compositions they look extraordinary.

But, are soap roses really suitable for bathing?

Yes, as much as possible you can use soap flowers for bathing. just prepare a bathtub full of warm water, light a few candles, or your favorite incense, and from the soap flowers choose the ones that best suit the mood of the moment and add one or two roses to the water , to enjoy the view of the petals dissolving and the aroma coming out!

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